International travelling can be the most hectic experience for many people, even regular international travellers. It is understandable since many factors may create a fuss for international travellers individually and collectively. You should take...
Author: Sara Khan
Sara is our amazing Content Editor. Inspired by stories as a kid, Sara loves spending most of her time reading and writing. She spends her weekdays pursuing her knack to write as her career of choice.
Once upon a time, you had to watch your Android phone to ensure that the battery did not deplete prematurely. Manually switching connections, constantly adjusting the brightness, and the like are a thing of...
Smartphones are a hotbed for bacteria, while viruses can also survive, including the atrocious COVID-19. The coronavirus can survive and remain active on metal, ceramic, glass, and plastic surfaces for several days. However, you can disinfect and clean your phone from viruses, bacteria, and any other germs...
Whether it’s the traditional Christmas card messages for family and friends or the e-card version, if your message can bring a smile to the faces of your loved ones, it’s serving the purpose. The...
Video calling is amazing. It’s nearly everything a face-to-face conversation would have, with the added benefit of conveniently controlling how much one can see. Of course, the physicality of face-to-face interactions cannot be substituted...
Comedy can be more than just a pleasant way to pass the time; humor is more than an amusing thing. They’re both interwoven into the fabric of human everyday lives and existence. Victor Borge...
“Snapchat is overrated.” “You missed your streaks today, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” You simply can’t complain about Snapchat. Using a Snapchat alternative is okay only if you have to because Snapchat is one of the...
“Merry Christmas” was the first-ever text message sent. Today over 5 billion people globally send and receive text messages, roughly 65% of the world’s population. What makes it more compelling and enticing is how...
From the beautiful Swiss landscapes to the city of love – Paris, to smoke-filled coffee shops in Amsterdam, to the exquisite beaches of Greece. There’s a lot to see in Europe, and you won’t...
The United Kingdom remains one of the top tourist attractions in the world. From metropolitan cities like London and Manchester to the natural beauty of countryside areas such as Hemingford Grey and Ribble Valley,...