why is wifi calling not working

Why is Wi-Fi Calling Not Working on Android and iPhone?


Wi-Fi calling has become an invaluable feature for smartphone users, offering an alternative means of making calls when traditional cellular signals are weak or unavailable, but users may wonder why Wi-Fi calling is not working perfectly in some situations.

By leveraging Wi-Fi networks, users can enjoy clearer voice calls and improved connectivity in areas with poor cellular reception.  

However, like any technology, Wi-Fi calling isn’t immune to issues and may encounter challenges that hinder its functionality.  

This article aims to be your go-to resource for all your Wi-Fi calling queries. Moreover, we will explore quick fixes to this glitch, delving deeper into the ins and outs, such as: 

  • Overview of how Wi-Fi calling works as an alternative to cellular signals. 
  • Identifying Common Issues that lead to the failure of Wi-Fi Calling. 
  • Step-by-step solutions to address Wi-Fi calling problems. 

Sounds intriguing? Let’s get straight into this without further ado.  

How Does Wi-Fi Calling Work? 

Wi-Fi calling utilises a Wi-Fi connection instead of a traditional cellular signal to facilitate phone calls.  

This feature proves beneficial in areas with poor cell signal, where voice clarity is compromised, or where dropped calls are frequent.  

Moreover, it serves well when you’re in locations where your carrier’s reception is subpar. 

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network, whether in a business offering free Wi-Fi or elsewhere, allows you to resume making calls seamlessly.  

Activating Wi-Fi calling on your Android device transforms stable Wi-Fi connections into crystal-clear platforms.  

However, due to security risks, caution should be exercised when using public Wi-Fi networks. 

Causes of Wi-Fi Calling Not Working

1. Weak Wi-Fi Signal

A weak Wi-Fi signal can disrupt Wi-Fi calling on Android phones, leading to dropped calls or poor call quality.  

Ensure you’re within a substantial Wi-Fi network range and consider moving closer to the router if necessary.

2. Slow Internet Connection

Wi-Fi calls require a stable and fast internet connection. If your Wi-Fi network is experiencing slow speeds or congestion, it may hinder the effectiveness of Wi-Fi calling.  

Check your internet speed and consider troubleshooting any issues with your internet service provider.

3. Router Problems

Issues with the wireless router can also interfere with Wi-Fi calling. This could include router malfunctions, outdated firmware, or configuration problems.  

Restarting the router or updating its firmware may resolve such issues.

4. Wi-Fi Calling Feature Turned Off

Wi-Fi calling is a feature that can be toggled on and off in Android settings. If Wi-Fi calling is accidentally turned off, it will not function properly.  

Ensure that Wi-Fi calling is enabled in your device settings.

5. Airplane Mode

Enabling Airplane Mode on your Android device can disable Wi-Fi calling if Wi-Fi is not manually turned on.  

Make sure to turn on Wi-Fi manually while in Airplane Mode if you intend to use Wi-Fi calling.

6. Carrier Limitations

Some cellular carriers may not support Wi-Fi calling or have restrictions based on your plan or location.  

Verify with your carrier to see if Wi-Fi calling is supported and if there are any specific requirements or limitations associated with it. 

How to Fix Wi-Fi Calling Issue? 

1. Confirm Wi-Fi Is Enabled and Working

Ensure Wi-Fi calling is activated by accessing the Phone app’s settings. A lack of options may indicate carrier limitations.  

Check Wi-Fi and connection status to ensure functionality. Verify Wi-Fi signal strength for optimal performance. 

If Wi-Fi isn’t enabled, toggle it on from the Quick Settings panel or Settings app. Look for interference sources, such as 2.4GHz devices or Bluetooth gadgets.  

If the signal strength is weak, consider moving closer to the router. 

2. Is Wi-Fi Calling Enabled?

Navigate to the Phone app settings to activate Wi-Fi calling. Confirm device and carrier support for Wi-Fi calling. The activation should reflect “Wi-Fi” beside the carrier symbol in the status bar. 

Your carrier likely doesn’t support Wi-Fi calling if the option isn’t visible. Contact them for verification. Activating Wi-Fi calling may vary in settings layout based on the device if supported. 

3. Check if Your Phone and Carrier Offer Wi-Fi Calling:

Contact the manufacturer and carrier to confirm Wi-Fi calling support. If it is not supported, consider replacing the device or carrier. If it is not available, explore alternative solutions.

Search online or contact support forums for insights on Wi-Fi calling compatibility with your specific device and carrier.  

If Wi-Fi calling is crucial to you and your current carrier doesn’t support it, consider switching carriers. 

4. Check for New Software Updates

Regularly update device software to address Wi-Fi calling issues. Navigate to System settings to install updates. Ensure Wi-Fi calling functionality after the update. 

Check for updates manually if your device doesn’t receive automatic updates.  

Software updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements, potentially resolving issues related to Wi-Fi calling. 

5. Use Airplane Mode to Force Wi-Fi Calling

Enable Airplane Mode and manually activate Wi-Fi for Wi-Fi calling. After use, ensure reconnection to the mobile network. This method bypasses the cellular network for voice call errors. 

Airplane Mode can be a quick workaround in areas with weak cellular reception. To resume cellular connectivity, turn It off when leaving Wi-Fi coverage. 

6. Restart Your Router and Phone

To resolve connectivity issues, restart the phone and router. Follow the proper procedures for restarting each device. Reconnect to the Wi-Fi network and check Wi-Fi calling functionality. 

Power cycling both your phone and router can often rectify minor connectivity issues. Ensure you allow your router to fully reboot before reconnecting your devices to the network. 

7. Try a Different Wi-Fi Network

If Wi-Fi calling issues persist, test the feature on alternative Wi-Fi networks to pinpoint router-related problems.  

Connecting to a different network helps determine whether the issue lies with your current router or the device itself.  

Consult network administrators for assistance in troubleshooting router settings or consider replacing the router if problems persist despite using different networks. 

Testing Wi-Fi calling on various networks, such as at your workplace or a friend’s house, helps assess whether the problem is specific to your home network or affects multiple networks.  

If Wi-Fi calling functions correctly on alternative networks, it suggests potential router issues that need addressing. 

8. Remove and Reinsert the SIM Card

To address network connectivity issues, carefully remove and clean the SIM card before reinserting it into your device. Power on the device and ensure proper alignment of the SIM card.  

Check for any configuration settings sent by your carrier and verify Wi-Fi calling functionality in the device settings. 

Ensure that the SIM card is provisioned correctly into the designated slot on your device. Changing the SIM Card or cleaning it with a microfiber cloth can help eliminate any dirt or debris that may interfere with connectivity. 

9. Reset Network Settings 

If Wi-Fi calling is still not working, resetting your device’s network settings can often resolve them.   

To reset your network settings, follow the steps enumerated below: 

  • Navigate to the device’s settings. 
  • Select “System.” 
  • Choose “Advanced.” 
  • Tap on “Reset options.” 
  • Select “Reset network settings.” 
  • After resetting, reconnect to your Wi-Fi network. 
  • Finally, check the Wi-Fi calling functionality. 

Resetting network settings erases all saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords, so ensure you have this information handy before proceeding.  

After performing a network reset, reconnecting VPN setups and other network-related settings may also be necessary. 

Resetting Network Settings on Android: 

  • Open the Settings app on your Android device. 
  • Scroll down and tap on “System”. 
  • Tap on “Advanced” to access advanced settings. 
  • Locate and tap on “Reset options”. 
  • Select “Reset network settings” from the list of options. 
  • Confirm the action by tapping on “RESET SETTINGS”. 

Resetting Network Setting on iPhone: 

  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 
  • Tap on “General”. 
  • Select “Transfer or Reset. 
  • Tap on “Reset”. 
  • Choose “Reset Network Settings”. 

10. Check for Updates

Ensure your device’s Android software is current to maintain compatibility with Wi-Fi calling features. Navigate to Settings > System > About Phone > System updates and select “Check for updates.” Install any available updates to address potential software-related issues that may affect Wi-Fi calling functionality. 

Regularly checking for and installing Android updates helps ensure that your device has the latest security patches and bug fixes, enhancing overall performance and stability, including Wi-Fi calling functionality. 

11. Contact Your Carrier

If all previous troubleshooting steps fail to resolve Wi-Fi calling issues, contact your carrier for further assistance. Confirm with your carrier whether Wi-Fi calling is supported and inquire about additional troubleshooting steps for your network. 

Carrier support may be necessary to diagnose and resolve underlying network issues that affect Wi-Fi calling functionality. To expedite the resolution process, be prepared to provide detailed information about the problem, including any troubleshooting steps already attempted. 

Bottom Line 

In a nutshell, Wi-Fi calling offers a convenient solution for maintaining communication in areas with limited cellular coverage.  

Understanding its functionality, common issues, and troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide empowers users to optimise their Wi-Fi calling experience.  

By following these tips and seeking assistance, users can ensure seamless connectivity and address any concerns about why Wi-Fi calling is not working perfectly on their Android devices.


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