imessage Data usage

How Much Data Does iMessage Use?


iMessage came onto the scene way back in 2011, and since then, it has gained immense popularity among users. Over time, iMessage has seen many enhancements and pleasant changes like the ability to send photos, videos, audio messages, and not to forget Memojis, Animojis, Stickers and GIFs for a dose of fun.

However, as iMessages can tackle many more formats than just simple text, do you know it requires data to operate? So, many users have asked: how much cellular data does iMessage use? This has become a common query. Because data usage has become a concern for modern users as there are so many things to be done by leveraging the internet. Let’s tell you:

  • How much cellular data does iMessage use per message?
  • Reduce data usage on iMessage?
  • Can you use iMessage without data?

So without further ado, let’s first begin with the primary question: What is iMessage?

iMessage – An Overview

Within the Apple ecosystem, iMessage stands out as a fundamental element amidst the constantly changing communication landscape. iMessage is a private texting service developed by Apple Inc. that works well with Macs, iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices.

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iMessage, a crucial part of the Messages app, provides users with an extensive feature set and a flexible platform to share text messages, images, videos, and other content. Even though its end-to-end encryption and user-friendly UI are highly praised, consumers frequently wonder how much bandwidth iMessage really uses.

Exclusive Features

  • Text Messaging: With read receipts and real-time typing indicators, iMessage enables users to send standard text messages to other owners of Apple devices.
  • Multimedia Sharing: Users may easily exchange audio messages, videos, and pictures, which improves messaging in general.
  • Memoji and Animoji: To convey emotions in a novel and amusing way, iMessage adds a whimsical touch with personalised animated characters (Memoji) and animated emojis (Animoji).
  • End-to-end Encryption: Users who value privacy and security are pleased that iMessage uses end-to-end encryption to protect message contents from unwanted access.

iMessage Cellular Data Consumption

Although iMessage provides a feature-rich messaging platform, consumers with restricted data plans or those who are concerned about their data usage should be aware of how much bandwidth it uses. The following variables affect how much data is used for iMessages:

  • Media Content: A major portion of data usage is attributed to sending and receiving images, videos, and audio communications. Naturally, larger resolution media files will need more bandwidth.
  • iMessage in the Cloud: Since messages and attachments are synchronised across several devices, users who activate the “Messages in iCloud” function may experience increased data usage.
  • Group Chats: Compared to one-on-one discussions, taking part in group chats with multimedia material may require more data usage.
  • Location Sharing: If you share your location frequently, using iMessage to share it with others may use more data.
  • How Much Data Does iMessage Use?

Many people will be surprised to know that an iMessage doesn’t require a substantial amount of data. So, if you are a fan of communicating via iMessage, you are in no danger of spending too much on it or finishing your data allowance.  

Even if you’re subscribed to a small data pack and plan to send many messages, you’d still be left with some data in the tank. Moreover, sending a text message uses little to no data at all. Also, if you’re connected to Wi-Fi at home or office, iMessage communication will not consume any data.  

How Much Cellular Data does iMessage use in a Year?

We at Talk Home did a small experiment to see how much it really consumes. We sent and received iMessages for a year and discovered that this communication only used around 1GB of data. It also depends on the type of content you share or receive. A plain text consumes only a few KBs.  

So, 1GB of data used in a full calendar year with numerous text messages, images, videos, and stickers sent and received isn’t too much. One photo may require 3MB of data to send via iMessage.  

On the other hand, videos are bound to take much more. Sharing a one-minute video may use up to 60 MBs. So, sharing rich media content is bound to burden your data plan compared to simple text messages.  

How Much Cellular Data is Required to Send a text iMessage? 

iMessage uses so little data that just to lower your current data amount, you’d have to send around a thousand messages. You know that there are over a billion bytes in a GB. So, sending a text without any attachments like images, videos, Memojis and Animojis would only take a few KBs.  

Each character in an iMessage uses around 0.1 bytes, and as there are over a billion bytes in a GB, this amount doesn’t really matter. Also, whether you’re doing local or international chatting, it doesn’t matter as it goes over the internet. Lastly, if the sender and the receiver are connected to the Wi-Fi, it won’t affect the data plan of both sides.  

iMessage vs Regular Text Messages

The main difference between IM and simple SMS or MMS is that while sending a text or MMS, the phone directly pulls from the carrier’s text messaging plan you bought. This doesn’t affect the data plan. Conversely, iMessage or IM requires the internet to function. The reason is that apart from text, you can send other media forms like images, videos, Gifs, locations, stickers, Animojis, etc. So, you must activate a cellular data plan if you aren’t connected to the Wi-Fi.  

How do I check iMessage data usage?

If you want to know how to check data consumed by iMessages on your iOS device, follow the steps explained above.  

  • Enter the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone. 
  • Amongst the many options in front of you, choose ‘Cellular Data or Mobile Data’.  
  • Go to the ‘Cellular Data’ options. Here, you’ll see various apps and how much data they use.  
  • Although Apple doesn’t provide data usage numbers for the iMessage app, you can check its data usage under ‘System Services’ at the bottom.  
  • Tap ‘System Services’ followed by ‘Messaging Services’, and you’ll see data consumed by iMessage.  

Also, in iOS, the statistics you view show the data used by apps since the last reset. You can easily monitor the data consumed from a specific date. All you need to do is go to the ‘Settings’ app and then move to the bottom of the list. Tap on ‘Reset Statistics’ to start anew and reset the statistics. You can do this before the start of every billing cycle to see how much cellular data does iMessage uses in a period.  

What Could be the Max Size of iMessage?

While communicating through iMessages, users can transmit files of up to 1.7GB. When it is sent as an SMS, the size of it may get restricted. Initially, the iMessage file size limit was 100MB. However, now that we’ve seen many updates to go along with the release of many Apple devices, the limit was increased by Apple to well over 1GB.  

How to Use Less Data on iMessage?

Many internet users love to communicate through iMessage. However, they can’t subscribe to an unlimited or a large enough data plan for various reasons like affordability. So, they are always searching for ways to use less data while sending iMessages. If you are one of those looking to save MBs and, eventually GBs, here are some tips on how to save data while using IM.  

Enable Low Data Mode

Apple introduced its Low Data Mode on its devices with the launch of iOS 13. When you activate Low Data Mode, your device restricts operations like auto updates and background tasks, i.e., photo synchronisations are paused. To enable this mode, follow the instructions.  

  • Go to the ‘Settings’ app and select ‘Mobile Data’.  
  • Now go to the ‘Mobile Data’ options.  
  • Here, you can activate the ‘Low Data Mode’ with ease.  

Block some apps from using cellular data 

Enter the ‘Settings’ app and then the Mobile Data section. You can see all the apps, with the highlighted ones showing the apps you use frequently. No need to do anything with these apps as they are the ones you are reliant on. This way, you can disconnect data hogs like Twitch, Netflix, and YouTube, which you mostly enjoy on Wi-Fi.  

This way, you’ll conserve a lot of data, and if summed up, the saved data or remaining MBs can be used for a few days extra. Another thing to keep in mind is that you turn off mobile data when not in use. If you do it regularly, you’ll save a lot of data.  

Disable iCloud Drive sync

This option, although serves you well. However, disabling iCloud Drive sync is not as easy as the above-mentioned methods. Regularly updating data in the cloud won’t do any good as it increases data consumption. Follow the steps below to turn it off.  

  • Go to the ‘Settings’ app and the ‘Mobile Data’. 
  • Scroll down to the option of ‘iCloud Drive’ and toggle it off. 

You must also turn off the Wi-Fi Assist feature, which switches to mobile data when the Wi-Fi speed isn’t as good.  

Can I Still use iMessage if I Run out of Data? 

If you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, you can keep using iMessage irrespective of whether you have runout of mobile data. To transmit messages, the iMessage app requires an internet connection. So, if you have access to Wi-Fi, you can send and receive messages as usual.  

You cannot send or receive iMessages until you’re back online, i.e., your mobile data is finished, and you cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. In this situation, you can continue to communicate with others via SMS or MMS as they depend on your carrier and the messaging plan instead of the internet connection.  

These messages will not be shown with blue bubbles like iMessages. You’ll see green ones. Also, if you’re on a prepaid plan, your network will deduct credit if you continue using mobile data without subscribing to any data plan.  


In today’s world, iMessages have redefined how messages are shared through an iPhone. If you don’t want to communicate on a voice call, iMessage is the best thing as you can share important stuff, like photos, videos, and texts, within seconds, that too in a dynamically!

While iMessages are a simple way to send/receive messages/photos, and videos, the app indeed uses data while doing so! So, if you’re wondering how much data does iMessage uses, you’ll be surprised to know that the data consumption is much less! If you share simple texts, very little data is being used, even if you keep messaging throughout the day. However, the data consumption would be more if you shared photos and videos.

The best way to minimize data consumption is by using a Wi-Fi network or switching to an economical 5G mobile data plan or sharing photos and videos in low-quality mode. As iMessage doesn’t need a SIM card or a phone number to function, people with Apple devices can use iMessage for free using a cellular connection.


Do iMessages count as text messages?

iMessages are sent on another iPhone and can be a photo message, video message, or a simple text. However, if a message is sent on an Android phone from an iPhone, it will be sent as an SMS. iMessages are marked in blue and SMSs are green. Also, an iMessage needs Wi-Fi or mobile data whereas an SMS needs a network connection.

Do iMessages cost money?

No, iMessage doesn’t cost money. These are free of cost. iMessages are sent from one iPhone to another and need a mobile data or Wi-Fi connection. You don’t need a mobile network connection when sending messages; however, in case of a text message, you need to have a cellular network.

Does iMessage work without cellular data?

No, iMessages don’t work without cellular data. iMessages is a secure app for iPhones, iPads; the app needs Wi-Fi and data connection and can work without a mobile network. If there is no cellular data, iMessage won’t work.

Can I use iMessage without SIM?

Yes, you can use iMessage without a SIM card. The Apple iPhone app works on all Apple devices using cellular data or Wi-Fi. So, even if you don’t have a SIM or phone number, you can still use iMessage without any issue.

How much data does an iMessage use internationally?

iMessage can be used internationally as it only requires a Wi-Fi network or cellular data to work through. However, if you don’t have any of these, your mobile network provider may charge you, as the messages will be sent as regular SMS and MMS. These will be credited as per their roaming charges. The type of messages sent, i.e., audio, video, emojis, etc., may affect data charges.

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