5g vs 4g
5G Technology

5G vs 4G vs LTE – What’s the Difference


The essential phenomenon that lays the way for productivity is communication. Humanity has relied extensively on it since ancient times. 

Ancient communication methods included messengers, pigeons, smoke signals, mirrors, and many others. Finally, wired communication was found by man, opening the way for the telegraph and landlines. Then it transformed how people work, live, and conduct business. 

However, short-range walkie-talkies and mobile phones introduced wireless forms of communication, continuing the growth of communication. 

Radio-frequency transmission technology, which has developed since its discovery, is the fundamental technology that has made it possible for humanity to connect wirelessly. 

Different advanced communication and data transmission technologies, such as 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, and 5G, make our daily lives, jobs, and businesses more convenient. 

The most recent technology, 5G, promises the human race high-speed internet, data transfer, and technological possibilities. 

Currently, 4G technology is available to practically the whole global population. However, 5G is here and will change everything. In fact, 5G will change: 

  • Communication 
  • Data transmission 
  • Industrial operations 
  • Living 

However, as a typical smartphone user, you are unaware of the technical distinctions between 4G, 5G, and other mobile network technologies. But you still appreciate the benefits. 

In this post, you’ll learn everything about 5G vs 4G. You’ll find all differences between 4G and 5G here. After reading this post, you can talk confidently about the latest mobile network technologies.  

How Does a Mobile Network Work? 

Before going into the complete detail of 5G vs 4G, you must understand how a mobile network operates. 

To comprehend a mobile network, you must be familiar with radio operations. 

A transmitter is used by radio stations to disperse radio waves across their service area by building tall towers. The data is transmitted via the radio receiver’s loudspeaker within the radio tower’s service area. It has helped us for a long time and is a one-way conversation. 

However, a mobile network also allows the receiver to send signals to the transmission tower. Yes, two-way communication is present. We can get calls, texts, and internet connectivity thanks to the radio signals that mobile towers and mobile devices send and receive. 

To provide cellular connectivity, mobile service providers have constructed the infrastructure of towers all throughout the inhabited area. A mobile phone can send and receive data when it is near a tower. 

Different mobile network technologies are used by mobile service providers to provide calls, data, and messages to our mobile devices. 

GSM, 1G, 2G, and 3G were earlier technologies that altered how we communicate and conduct business. 

Currently, the most popular mobile network technologies are 3G, 4G, and LTE. Additionally, 5G is widely used in industrialised countries. 

The development of mobile network technology boosted wireless internet speed. Currently, 4G can deliver 100 Mbps download speeds in typical environments and while moving around. 

Currently, you have two internet connectivity options on your mobile phone: Wi-Fi and cellular internet. Wi-Fi internet is fast enough to deliver everything you want. But 5G capacity beats every Wi-Fi connectivity, and users can connect appliances, machines, and much more. 

What is 4G? 

4G is the short form of “Fourth Generation broadband cellular network technology,” a specification set by the International Telecommunication Union in 2008. 

The 4G mobile network technology replaced the 3G mobile network, bringing consumers cellular internet service. However, 4G brought with it a higher speed and numerous other broadband features, including 4K HD streaming, live gaming, and more. 

Many things, including mobile web access, IP telephony, video conferencing, 3D TV, mobile TV, gaming services, and more, became a reality for customers after 4G entered the market. 

In reality, customers dislike 3G connectivity after using 4G connectivity for a while because of how much faster 4G is than 3G. 

What is LTE? 

Long Term Evolution is abbreviated as LTE, which is a marketing term used by mobile network carriers. 

LTE does not refer to a particular type of technology. However, it indicates network capabilities that are superior to 3G but inferior to actual 4G. 

There is currently no universally accepted definition of LTE. However, LTE stands for mobile networks that provide connectivity at rates less than 100 Mbps. 

How Fast is LTE? 

LTE networks operate at a speed that is halfway between 3G and genuine 4G networks. This means that using LTE mobile networks, your internet speed will range from 3 Mbps to 100 Mbps. You often receive speeds between 12 and 30 Mbps. 

Is 4G the Same as LTE? 

You can access 4G at a faster speed than LTE. 4G is more reliable and offers more online capabilities than LTE connectivity. 

LTE actually sits in the midst of 3G and 4G in terms of speed. Although you get faster than 3G, 4G performs better overall. 

What is 5G? 

5G vs 4G: The International Telecommunication Union has established 5G as the most anticipated fifth-generation mobile network technology. 

The 5G wireless technology aims to connect more people to the system while delivering faster speed, reduced latency, and larger network capabilities. 

True 5G has a minimum speed requirement of 1Gbps and a latency requirement of 1 millisecond. It’s not true 5G if the speed is less than 1Gbps. 

Half of the total mobile subscribers will be using 5G in 2027, which will be over 4.4 billion, according to Ericsson Mobility Report. 

Compared to 4G, which uses frequencies between 700 MHz and 25 MHz, 5G runs at higher radio frequencies, such as 28 GHz. As a result, 5G provides greater stability, lower congestion, and higher speed. 

Only 4000 devices can be supported by 4G per kilometre. However, 5G can support over a million devices per kilometre, so Netflix, YouTube, and live gaming will all be uninterruptedly available over constrained airspace. 

Ten times faster than 4G, 5G has network capabilities that will change everything. Also, it is the best reason why 5G is better than 4G. 

Automation of factories, extensive video monitoring, smart cities, haptic applications, and many other things are all conceivable with 5G. 

Should you use a 4G or 5G phone for a 5G network? You cannot connect with a 5G network if you have a 4G-enabled phone. To enjoy all benefits of the 5G network, you must have one of the best 5G phones 

Difference Between LTE, 4G, and 5G Technology 

5G vs 4G: the basic difference between LTE, 4G, and 5G technology is the speed. 

Data transmission rates on LTE networks range from 3 Mbps to 100 Mbps. Users often receive 12 to 30 Mbps. Due to this, LTE and 4G LTE are also referred to as 3.5 G and 3.99 G. 

The 4G network can deliver data transmission speeds of up to 1Gbps, ranging from 100 Mbps. Users often receive speeds above 100 Mbps and below 300 Mbps. 

The data transfer speeds offered by the 5G network range from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. 

Latency is the second distinction between LTE, 4G, and 5G. 

  • The latency range for LTE is 100 milliseconds to 10 milliseconds. 
  • The latency for 4G is between 10 milliseconds and 5 milliseconds. 
  • The delay of 5G is 1 millisecond. 

Types of 5G Networks 

Future 5G networks will combine three different types. These 5G networks are grouped according to the radio waves they emit. Here are the specifics.  

Low-Band 5G 

Low-band 5G can be thought of as the initial broad layer of the 5G spectrum made available by any mobile service provider in any nation. 

A low-band 5G tower functions as a television broadcast tower, providing service to thousands of users over long distances. 

A low-band 5G tower built in the middle of a metropolis will provide coverage for both urban and rural areas. 

With low-band 5G, your speed will range from 50 to 250 Mbps and will be 20% faster than 4G. Low band 5G operates between 600 MHz and 1 GHz in frequency. 

Mid-Band 5G 

Mid-band 5G will cover urban areas and is intended to serve individuals in a more condensed region. 

With mid-band 5G, your speed will range from 300 Mbps to 1 Gbps, which is six times faster than 4G. It runs between 1 GHz and 6 GHz in frequency. 

In conclusion, consumers that seek network connectivity performance for a variety of devices might consider mid-band 5G as an option. 

Millimeter-Wave 5G 

When compared to 4G, millimeter-wave 5G offers you the lowest latency currently available at a speed that is ten times quicker. As a result, messages are transmitted instantly, giving consumers the most cutting-edge capabilities. Millimeter wave 5G, for instance, supports numerous applications, such as factory automation, extensive video monitoring, remote surgery, remote mechanical operations, and much more. 

Users will benefit from enhanced communication, speedier downloads, improved information access, and sophisticated internet of things applications with baseline millimetre wave 5G. 

Over 1 Gbps of speed is provided by millimeter-wave 5G, which operates at frequencies between 24 GHz and 47 GHz. 

Key Differences Between 4G and 5G 

4G vs 5G: you have some basic idea about the differences. You may be thinking, is 5G any better than 4G? Below is a comparison of every technological factor that differentiates 4G and 5G. You’ll know every difference between 5G and 4G. 


5G vs 4G: The first quality that sets 5G apart from 4G is speed. The reason is that 4G has a theoretical top speed of 100 Mbps. In actuality, 4G can deliver an average of 35 Mbps. 

Theoretically, 5G may offer 100 times as much speed as 4G. However, 5G speed in the real world ranges from 50 Mbps to 3 Gbps. 


The amount of time it takes the network infrastructure to deliver a data packet from one location to another is known as latency. 

While 5G operates with an average delay of 1 millisecond, 4G operates with a latency of 50 milliseconds. In other words, 5G sends data much more quickly than 4G. 


The majority of the industrialised world has access to 4G, but it still hasn’t spread to America’s and Europe’s rural and isolated regions. 

However, 5G will take much longer than 4G to achieve the same level of coverage. Currently, 5G is available in 100 US cities. 


The band where 4G operates ranges from 600 MHz to 2.5 GHz. The three spectrum layers used by 5G, which operate in the 600 MHz to 47 GHz range, contrast this. 

  3G  LTE  4G  5G 
Deployment year  2004-05  2009  2006-10  2020 
Bandwidth   2 Mbps  75 Mbs  200 Mbps  >1Gbps 
Latency  100 – 500 ms  20 ms  20 – 30 ms  <10 ms 
Average speed  144 Kbps  12 –15 Mbs  25 Mbps  200 – 400 Mbps 
Wireless features  Simple web consumption, audio streaming, slower downloads  Audio and video streaming, web access, medium-level downloads  Complete interactive media support  Complete interactive media support, internet of things, automation. 

 How Does 5G Work? 

The newest digital network technology, 5G, uses a new radio interface that is far faster than 4G to send data over the air. 

The band where 4G operates ranges from 600 MHz to 2.5 GHz. However, the average 5G frequency is 28 GHz. These frequencies enable 5G to transport data at a faster rate with little congestion and delay.

The network can support more users thanks to the new radio interface, which employs a millimetre wavelength. For instance, only 4,000 devices may be supported by 4G per square kilometre. However, 5G has a 1 million device capacity per square kilometre. Users will be able to do practically everything they want with a 5G connection, including uninterrupted Netflix streaming, video conferencing, live gaming, and much more. 

Prior to 5G, all network technologies wasted energy by dispersing signals like a floodlight. However, Massive MIMO, which has many inputs and many outputs, is the technology used in 5G. Within the coverage region, it follows the person and transmits signals similar to a spotlight. Users benefit from increased capacity, speed, and coverage as a result. 

How is 5G Different from 4G? 

There is only one significant distinction between 5G and 4G. The 4G network speed dramatically reduces during rush hour and when there are too many customers online. Congestion is the term used to describe this occurrence, which occurs everywhere. 

However, 5G solves the congestion issue by supporting 1 million devices in a square mile. 

Due to its effectiveness, faster speed, bigger capacity, and capability to support more devices, 5G outperforms 4G. 

5G Bandwidth, Latency, and Spectrum? 

Mobile service providers will have access to a 100 MHz band with 4G. However, 5G allows operators to give their subscribers access to a 1000 MHz spectrum. 

The typical delay for 4G ranges between 20 and 30 milliseconds. The latency is always less than 10 milliseconds with 5G, though. 

How Fast is 5G? 

Theoretically, 5G promises 100 times more speed than 4G. However, 5G is 10 times quicker than 4G in real-time. 

In addition to faster downloads, 5G’s speed is more than sufficient to deliver HD 4K video conversations, all types of web access, and other services. 

5G can support a wide range of devices, including those for augmented reality, virtual reality, digital cinema, and much more. 

5G Will Enable Businesses and Industries to Do? 

By enabling live streaming, virtual reality games, and higher internet capacity, 5G will help regular consumers. 

However, businesses and sectors will gain the most from 5G since it will alter how things operate. Businesses can, for instance, automate every step of their industrial process, provide extensive video surveillance, allow haptic applications, and more. Furthermore, 5G will make the idea of a smart city a reality. 

How Secure is 5G? 

Because 5G can offer network slicing capabilities, no other network technology can compete with it in terms of security. 

You can design a specialised network of appliances and gadgets with a certain amount of encryption, speed, coverage, and security using network slicing. 

Simply said, 5G is the current state-of-the-art in network security. 

Many people are concerned about the 5G network, such that 5G can interfere with human DNA and cause cancer. But researchers have 5G myths debunked. 

Only the body can be heated by 5G radio waves; they have no other effects. Because of this, 5G is secure for people. 

When Will 5G Arrive? Is 5G for Everyone? 

In the US, Europe, the UK, China, and South Korea, 5G is now available. 80–90% of the population is covered by 5G in South Korea, China, and the US. While coverage across Europe is gradually expanding, 5G has reached 90% of the population in Switzerland. 

Everyone with a suitable gadget can use 5G, thus that is true.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is 5G? 

The newest mobile network technology, 5G, offers a speed that is ten times quicker than 3G. 5G can often travel at speeds of up to 300 Mbps. 

What are the Disadvantages of 5G? 

Here are the cons of 5G. 

  1. Limited global coverage 
  1. Decreased broadcast distance 
  1. Low upload speed 
  1. High battery usage 
  1. Lack of encryption in the early connections 

Will 5G work on 4G Phones? 

No, 5G will never work on 4G phones. 

What Frequency is 5G? 

5G operates between 700 MHz to 47 GHz. 

Why is 5G Bad? 

High levels of exposure to 5G magnetic radiation could be harmful to our health. However, study is still underway, and there is no conclusive proof. However, compelling hypotheses might inspire people to believe.

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