5G Network and Innovative Wireless Technologies

Ofcom Opens Horizons with Enhanced 5G Network and New Wireless Technologies


Ofcom, the leading name in the industry, recently confirmed that it will open the new spectrum bands of 26 GHz and 40 GHz in addition to 5G to take mobile technology to the next level. This will be implemented in all the major towns to unleash the maximum capacity and speed of the technology. These new mm-Wave bands aid in out-of-the-box wireless applications that usually require large amounts of data with unprecedented speed. 

To implement this move efficiently, the wavebands have been set out in a design to auction licenses to concerned parties.  

Auction Design Categories

To maintain clarity, the design includes various categories. These include-  

  • 26 GHz lower (25.1-26.5 GHz) 
  • 26 GHz upper (26.5-27.5 GHz) 
  • 40 GHz (40.5-43.5 GHz) 

Depending upon the requirements, parties can choose the mm-wave spectrum bands; every band consists of a block of 200MHz. Every lot lower and upper of 26.5 GHz has a reserve price of £2m each. The 40 GHz lot has a reserve price of £1m.  

The process of auction will be done in two stages. Stage 1 is considered a ‘Clock Auction’ wherein the quantity of spectrum band will be decided for every bidder. The next step is the assignment phase, wherein frequencies are allocated to every winner in the category.  

Negotiations in terms of allocations are welcomed and should be submitted on 9 January 2024 so that the decision can be made before finalizing the auction design.

Main Areas for 5G Regulation

Ofcom has been engaged in performing prominent work in the domain of spectrum management. In a report published by Ofcom, it was clear that the main areas of work include- 

  • Network Evolution and Convergence: To fulfill this objective, Ofcom will review the roll-out of fiber networks across the UK. This will also include the growth and development of a 6G network and innovative Wi-Fi technologies to make efficient use of existing technology while exploring the untapped potential of upcoming technologies.  
  • Boosting Innovation & Exploring Spectrum Sandboxes: The aim is to explore and exploit the sandboxes in different geographical locations so that spectrum bands can be shared. It also includes working in collaboration with the stakeholders to create an environment of coexistence and sharing spectrum bands.  
  • Better Data for Better Spectrum Management: The focus is to attain real-world data to make the best use of it and lay the foundation of spectrum sharing with others. This includes a variety of ways to efficiently use the benefits of sharing spectrum bands.  

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