International Phone Number Formats
How-Tos & Tutorials

Understanding International Phone Number Formats: A Comprehensive Guide


Accurate and reliable communication is essential for seamless international calls in an increasingly interconnected world. The international phone number format, standardized by the E.164 standard from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), plays a crucial role. This format ensures consistency and dependability in international communication by providing a uniform method for writing telephone numbers globally.

This guide explores the components of an international phone number, illustrates how different countries format their numbers, and explains the significance of adhering to the E.164 standard for seamless global connectivity. Whether dialing across continents or ensuring your contact details are correctly formatted, understanding this standard is critical to effective communication.

  • Components of an International Phone Number
  • Examples of International Phone Numbers
  • Consistency Across Mobile and Landline Numbers

Interesting, isn’t it? Let’s get straight into it.

What Is the International Phone Number Format?

The international phone number format is a standardized method for writing telephone numbers, recognized globally for its consistency and reliability in facilitating international communication.

The E.164 standard was established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to ensure uniformity and dependability in worldwide communication.

What are the Components of an International Phone Number?

A typical international phone number consists of three main components.

Here is a breakdown of each element:

1. Country Code

This unique prefix is assigned to each country, usually ranging from one to three digits, used to identify the country of the phone number.

2. Area Code/NDC/Dialing Code

This is a three-digit number assigned to a specific geographic region within a country. It distinguishes between local and long-distance calls and helps route calls to the correct area.

For example, the area code “888” is associated with toll-free numbers in North America.

3. Subscriber Number (SN)

This is the set of digits representing the unique phone number of a specific subscriber within a country. Its length varies from country to country and includes the following types:

These three components combine to form a complete international number, which can be up to 15 digits long and is formatted as follows: [Country Code] + [National Destination Code] + [Subscriber Number].

Examples of International Phone Numbers:

Here are some examples of international phone numbers from various countries and regions to better understand how these components come together.

Country Country Code Example Phone Number
China +86 +86 138 0013 8000
India +91 +91 987 654 3210
Indonesia +62 +62 812 345 6789
United States +1 +1 212 456 7890
Brazil +55 +55 11 98765 4321
Russia +7 +7 912 345 6789
Pakistan +92 +92 333 123 4567
Nigeria +234 +234 802 345 6789
Bangladesh +880 +880 1712 345 678
Japan +81 +81 90 1234 5678
Germany +49 +49 171 234 5678
Philippines +63 +63 917 123 4567
Mexico +52 +52 55 1234 5678
Iran +98 +98 912 345 6789
Egypt +20 +20 10 123 4567
Italy +39 +39 333 123 4567
United Kingdom +44 +44 791 112 3456
Vietnam +84 +84 912 345 678
Turkey +90 +90 532 123 4567
France +33 +33 7 56 78 90 12
Thailand +66 +66 92 345 6789
South Africa +27 +27 82 345 6789
Colombia +57 +57 321 123 4567
Ukraine +380 +380 97 123 4567
Argentina +54 +54 911 123 4567

The E.164 International Standard for Phone Number Format

What is E.164?

E.164 is the international telephone numbering plan that ensures each device on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) has a globally unique number.

This numbering plan allows phone calls and text messages to be correctly routed to individual phones in different countries.

E.164 numbers are formatted as follows: [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code]. The maximum length of an E.164 number is 15 digits.

Examples of E.164 Numbers

E.164 Format Country Code Country Subscriber Number
+14155552671 1 US 4155552671
+442071838750 44 GB 2071838750
+551155256325 55 BR 1155256325

Processing International Phone Number Input Fields

When building international phone number input fields, handling the country code and formatting the number correctly according to E.164 standards is essential. This involves transforming the phone number input into the E.164 format.

How to Write Different Countries’ Phone Numbers in International Format

Understanding international phone number formats is essential when dialing phone numbers across borders.

Each country has its unique format for phone numbers, which includes the country code, area code (if applicable), and local number.

Let’s understand how to write phone numbers in international format for the six most popular countries:

1. United States (US) Phone Numbers in International Format

In the United States, phone numbers consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

To write a US phone number in international format, follow these steps:

  • Add the country code “1” before the area and local numbers.
  • Remove any leading “0” from the area code or local number.

US International Phone Number Format

The international format for US phone numbers consists of 10 digits, starting with a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

Example: (123) 456-7890 becomes +1 123 456 7890

For instance, if you have a US phone number like (123) 456-7890, in international format, it becomes +1 123 456 7890. The country code “1” represents the United States, and the area code and local number stay unchanged.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that some US territories, like Puerto Rico and Guam, also use the same country code, “1,” for their phone numbers.

When calling internationally, include the correct area code and local number after the country code to ensure your call goes to the proper place within the US or its territories.

2. United Kingdom (UK) Phone Numbers in International Format

Phone numbers in the United Kingdom typically start with a “0,” followed by an area code and local number. To write a UK phone number in international format:

  • Remove the leading “0” from the area code.
  • Add the country code “44” before the area and local numbers.

UK International Phone Number Format

UK phone numbers typically have 11 digits, starting with a “0” followed by an area code and local number.

Example: 01234 567890 becomes +44 1234 567890

For example, if you have a UK phone number like 01234 567890, in the international format, it would be +44 1234 567890. The country code “44” represents the United Kingdom, while the area and local numbers remain the same.

When dialing a UK number from abroad, always include the country code “44” followed by the area code and local number to ensure the call is correctly routed to the UK.

3. Australia Phone Numbers in International Format

Australian phone numbers typically consist of a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit local number. To write an Australian phone number in international format:

  • Add the country code “61” before the area and local numbers.

Australia International Phone Number Format

Australian phone numbers contain ten digits, starting with a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit local number.

Example: (02) 1234 5678 becomes +61 2 1234 5678

For instance, if you have an Australian phone number (02) 1234 5678, in international format, it would be +61 2 1234 5678. The country code “61” represents Australia, and the area and local numbers stay the same.

Therefore, when calling an Australian number from abroad, include the country code “61,” followed by the area code and local number. This ensures your call connects successfully.

4. Canada Phone Numbers in International Format

Canadian phone numbers share a format similar to that of the United States, consisting of a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

To write a Canadian phone number in international format:

  • Add the country code “1” before the area and local numbers.

Canada International Phone Number Format

Canadian phone numbers consist of 10 digits, starting with a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

Example: (123) 456-7890 becomes +1 123 456 7890

For instance, if you have a Canadian phone number like (123) 456-7890, in international format, it becomes +1 123 456 7890. The country code “1” stands for Canada, while the area and local numbers stay the same.

5. Italy Phone Numbers in International Format

In Italy, phone numbers typically feature a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit local number. To write an Italian phone number in international format:

Add the country code “39” before the area and local numbers.

Italy International Phone Number Format

Italian phone numbers comprise ten digits, starting with a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit local number.

Example: 02 1234 5678 becomes +39 02 1234 5678

For instance, if you have an Italian phone number like 02 1234 5678, in international format, it would be +39 02 1234 5678. The country code “39” represents Italy, and the area and local numbers stay the same.

6. India Phone Numbers in International Format

Indian phone numbers vary in format but typically consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

To write an Indian phone number in an international format:

  • Add the country code “91” before the area and local numbers.

India International Phone Number Format

Indian phone numbers consist of 10 digits, starting with a three-digit area code followed by a seven-digit local number.

Example: (0123) 456789 becomes +91 123 456 7890

For instance, if you have an Indian phone number (0123) 456789, in international format, it would be +91 123 456 7890. The country code “91” represents India, while the area and local numbers remain the same.

When calling an Indian number from abroad, remember to add the country code “91,” followed by the area and local numbers. This ensures your call reaches the right place within India.

Following these steps helps ensure your phone numbers are formatted correctly for international and domestic calls, regardless of the country you’re dialing.

Does the International Phone Number Format Remain the Same for Mobile Phone Numbers?

The international phone number format remains consistent for mobile and landline numbers.

It comprises the country code, area code (if applicable), and local number.

For instance, in India, a mobile phone number with the country code “+91” follows the same format as a landline number.

While mobile numbers may not always have separate area codes like landlines, using the country code ensures that calls are correctly routed, regardless of whether the number is for a mobile or a landline.

Bottom Line

Understanding the international phone number format is essential for smooth global communication. The E.164 standard, set by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ensures phone numbers are universally recognized and correctly routed. This format includes a plus sign (+), a country code, an area code (if applicable), and a local subscriber number, making each number unique worldwide.

Whether for mobile or landline numbers, this standard remains consistent across countries. For example, a US number (123) 456-7890 becomes +1 123 456 7890 internationally, and a UK number 01234 567890 becomes +44 1234 567890.

Following the E.164 format, calls are accurately directed, reducing misdialing and enhancing connectivity. As global communication grows in importance, adhering to this standard is crucial for effective international interaction.


How do I write my phone number in an international format?

To write your phone number in international format, include the country code before your local number. For example, use +1 for the US or +44 for the UK.

Are international phone numbers 10 digits?

International phone numbers vary in length. Some may have ten digits, while others may have more or fewer digits.

How do I write a phone number with a country code?

To write a phone number with a country code, start with the plus sign (+), followed by the country code, area code (if applicable), and local number. For example, +1 123 456 7890 for a US number.

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